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 1. Comic Zone Radio  2007-05-09 Venom Creator David Michelinie Interview   
 2. Comic Zone Radio  2007-08-22 Writer, artist, creator and comic historian David Yurkovich is on the Comic Zone   
 3. Comic Zone Radio  2007-08-22 Writer, artist, creator and comic historian David Yurkovich is on the Comic Zone   
 4. 24 Podcasters, Mike Wilkerson & Brian Sirimaturos  2GuysTalking Interview David Niu One of the BuddyTV Founders - March 2007  2GuysTalking Interview David Niu One of the BuddyTV Founders - March 2007 
 5. 24 Podcasters, Mike Wilkerson & Brian Sirimaturos  2GuysTalking Interview David Niu One of the BuddyTV Founders - March 2007  2GuysTalking Interview David Niu One of the BuddyTV Founders - March 2007 
 6. Taylor Kent  04032007 - J David Baker creator of RSTC  Snark Infested Waters 
 7. Shooting People  An interview with Dramatica co-creator Chris Huntley  Shooting Screenwriters - www.shootingpeople.org/podcasts 
 8. Gerard van Warmerdam  Interview-David  www.PathwayToHappiness.com 
 9. Black Op Radio  David Ray Griffin Interview  July 1, 2004 
 10. The Gary Null Show  David Ray Griffin Interview  June 23, 2008 
 11. Guns & Butter  David Ray Griffin Interview  March 29, 2006 
 12. Guns & Butter  David Ray Griffin Interview  May 9, 2007 
 13. Guns & Butter  David Ray Griffin Interview  August 30, 2006 
 14. Deadline Live  David Ray Griffin Interview  April 23, 2007 
 15. Deadline Live  David Ray Griffin Interview  May 8, 2008 
 16. Carol Brouillet  David Ray Griffin Interview  March 31, 2008 
 17. David Alex  David Alex Interview  Talk Theatre In Chicago 
 18. The Alex Jones Show  David Ray Griffin Interview  August 19, 2005 
 19. The Gary Null Show  David Ray Griffin Interview  June 24, 2008 
 20. Deadline Live  David Ray Griffin Interview  October 13, 2006 
 21. Flashpoints  David Ray Griffin Interview  February 7, 2008 
 22. Sean Gregory  David Stern interview   
 23. Deadline Live  David Ray Griffin Interview  February 14, 2005 
 24. Deadline Live  David Ray Griffin Interview  September 7, 2005 
 25. Cell Press  An interview with Dr. David Allis  Cell PaperClips 
 26. Black Op Radio  David Ray Griffin Interview  March 3, 2005 
 27. Keith and The Girl  The David Lawrence Interview  KATG.com 
 28. Garlic & Grass  David Ray Griffin Interview  June 26, 2004 
 29. World Crisis Radio  David Ray Griffin Interview  September 16, 2006 
 30. Thought Crime News  Interview with David Ray Griffin  June 29, 2004 
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